Sitemap - 2024 -

The True Cost of Growth: Rethinking CLTV and CAC for SaaS

Churn, Costs, and the Real Price of SaaS Growth

Can AI Turn Your Website Visitors Into Real Conversations?

How Do You Go From Data to Dialogue with GTM AI?

Sales in a New Light: Are AI and Human SDRs the Dream Team?

Why AI Agents and Human SDRs Make the Perfect Sales Duo

Outcome Over Usage: Redefining Success with SaaS Pricing

Rethinking SaaS Pricing: AI, Value, and the Move to Outcomes

The AI Agent Advantage: Moving Beyond the Promise of Productivity

AI Agents in SaaS: Productivity Gains or Just Empty Promises?

Traditional Outbound is Out, Engagement is In


SaaS Buzz, AI Bots, and Why GTM Ops is the New Startup Superpower

The Rise of GTM Operations: What Do Startups Need to Know?

AI, SaaStr, and the Future of SaaS

Reflections from SaaStr: The Future of SaaS

Social Selling Is More Than Just a Sales Pitch

Social Selling in a World Full of AI

AI’s Imperfections and Why They Matter for Startups

What AI should and shouldn’t do for your business

Build Fast, Fail Fast, Learn Fast

Lean and Mean: The SaaS Playbook for Outpacing the Competition

Why the Traditional PLC Needs an Upgrade

Outsmarting the SaaS Product Lifecycle Trap

Do SaaS jobs demand knowledge of AI?

SaaS Jobs in the Age of AI

Innovation and you: Boom or doom?

To innovate or not to innovate?

Going Green And The Next Wave In Tech

Is Sustainability Really Sustainable in the SaaS World?

Are we too dependent on one tech?

What We Can Learn from the Recent Microsoft Outage

What happens when AI hallucinates?

When AI Hallucinates: A Wake-Up Call

The Content Mistake You Didn't Know You're Making

Beyond Reposting: How Strategic Amplification Elevates Your Content Game

An AI Identity Crisis

AI's Image Identity Crisis: How Logos and Visuals Shape Public Opinion

Sowing seeds of financial inclusion with AI

Harvesting financial inclusion with AI

Uphill the Product-Market-Fit mountain and the AI trail

Musk vs Mark: 'Fox Hunting' with AI?

🍵🍃Is Innocence In Marketing Magnetic?

Lead magnets and lasting connections!

Keep marketing innocent!

🍵🍃Social Listening: Eavesdropping with a purpose

🍵🍃The Very Eventful B2B Reunion Edition!

Trendspotting to tomorrow's events

Deriving ROI from events

🍵🍃Google Rankings: Up, Down and All Around!

Be on the right side of SEO

How to Save Our Souls from the Google Storm?

Hook, Line, and Strategy!

Make waves while you go fishing for leads

🍵🍃A buddy to pull you out of the content cobweb, Inbound marketing myths, News on AGI and Microsoft, How to use AI to your advantage, and more!

A buddy to pull you out of the content cobweb

🍵🍃Sales productivity with Gong's ears, Build a product and not a business, What's up with Grok and Covariant, A LinkedIn headline generator for free, and more!

Sales productivity with Gong's ears!

Build a product, not a business!

🍵🍃Chaos to Clarity with sales intelligence, Ode to the art of engineering, Latest Buzz in AI and Technology, An Instagram caption generator for free and more!

Chaos to Clarity with Sales Intelligence

Ode to the art of engineering

🍵🍃My playlist My Music, by Spotify, Winning in a crowded market, What's new in AI and Technology, A bio generator tool for free and more!

My Playlist, My Music by Spotify

Winning in a crowded market

🍵🍃Green Tea: MailShrimp?? .... Errr Maybe MailChimp!, B2B Vs B2C: How does it matter to you, Latest buzz in the AI space, A blog generator tool for free and more!

MailShrimp?? .... Errr Maybe MailChimp!😁

B2B Vs B2C: How does it matter to you?

🍵🍃Green Tea: Teamwork works-Notion that, Does CRM build sales pipeline, Piping hot AI and tech updates, A free job description generator tool and more!

Does your CRM build your pipeline?

Teamwork, works - Notion That!

🍵🍃Green Tea: Failsforce: The BOLD Brand Battle, Life of a Product Manager, AI updates in abundance, A free sales email generator tool and more!

#Failsforce: The BOLD Brand Battle

Product Manager's Daily Routine

🍵🍃Green Tea: No bound for HubSpot's inbound, Sales and Marketing alignment, Hot on the plate AI and Tech updates, Trending topics on Twitter and more!

No Bound for HubSpot’s Inbound!

Sales and Marketing Alignment

🍵🍃Green Tea: The Miro Story, Smart Scaling in SaaS, Latest AI and Tech updates, Twitter for Business and more!

The Miro Story - What a Hero of a Story!

Smart Scaling SaaS Companies

🍵🍃Green Tea: Now anybody Can-va, Upselling vs Cross-selling, Sizzling AI and Tech updates, Twitter thread scheduling tools, and more!

Simplifying the Complexity of Graphic Design: Now, Anybody Can-va.

Upselling Vs Cross-Selling

🍵🍃Green Tea: Unperplexed Perplexity, Inbound marketing myths, Steaming hot AI and Tech news, AI tweets, and more!

Perplexity AI's 'Un' perplexed Path!

Inbound marketing myths busted!

🍵🍃Green Tea: Exploring Loops Vs Funnels in PLG, Imagen 2, Github's copilot chat, Calendly's innovations, Free Tweet scheduling tool, and More!

Product-led growth - Loops or Funnel?

Calendly's Charismatic Climb!